Ready, set, register... to join in the 4th annual REEF Fish Out of Water Virtual 5K! From June 5-11, REEF members and ocean enthusiast worldwide are getting active to support of ocean conservation. You can participate from anywhere, and choose your favorite activity - run, walk, hike, bike, or even swim! You can complete the 5K in one go, or break it up throughout the week. When you register for the Fish Out of Water Virtual 5K, you'll also choose to join one of five Fish Teams, including Emperor Angelfish, Clownfish, Hammerhead Shark, Spotted Eagle Ray, or Tiger Rockfish. Be sure to sign up soon - if you register by April 30, you'll receive the early bird registration fee. Proceeds from the Fish Out of Water 5K go towards the REEF Oceans for All Fund, which supports scholarships, programming, and outreach activities to provide ocean experiences and education for equity-deserving groups. Last year, more than 600 people from 40 states and 8 countries participated. Join us and help make a difference for the oceans!